Driven by the pain of poverty, Brian has been able to build a successful online business called Technovate that helps entrepreneurs quickly spread their message to the world and bridging the gap between business and customer by a concept called
Really eXceptional Conversation a.k.a. (RXCHAT).
Inspiratie voor Young Professionals van Suriname
Samengesteld door Ruth Sinkeler
In dit boek staan inspirerende verhalen van 48 senior professionals en 2 young professionals. Verhalen over keuzes, over kansen, over overwonnen obstakels. Ontroerende verhalen, inspirerende verhalen. Suriname heeft veel te bieden, ook aan onze nieuwe generatie professionals. Maar wordt dit afdoende gezien?
The Ultimate Guide For Breaking Your False Believes And Embracing Your Future
By Brian Imambaks
Coming Soon …
Information on 1:1 Consulting
If you are interested in consulting with Brian Imambaks, his fees are below:
Driven by the pain of poverty, Brian has been able to build a successful online business called Technovate that helps entrepreneurs quickly spread their message to the world and bridging the gap between business and customer by a concept called Really eXceptional Conversation a.k.a. (RXCHAT).
Founder of Technovate
Rode Sterweg #10,
Driven by the pain of poverty, Brian has been able to build a successful online business called Technovate that helps entrepreneurs quickly spread their message to the world and bridging the gap between business and customer by a concept called Really eXceptional Conversation a.k.a. (RXCHAT).